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Sexual Behavior & Addiction

Children & Teens Counseling Services

Children and teens are being exposed to pornography at earlier ages than ever before. We provide services for children and teenagers with trained specialists. We also have therapists who specialize in working with sexual issues of children. The earlier we can address the issues of problematic sexual behavior, the better the potential outcome.

One recent survey placed the average age of first exposure to pornography for a male in the United States at age 5. Other research indicates it is by age 11 that the average male in the United States will have first viewed pornography. Studies including both boys and girls reveal that the average age of first exposure is 8. Children are growing up with the Internet, and they are much more computer literate than adults. Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation is committed to meeting the needs of the entire family.

Our sexually saturated culture has impacted children. Many find a family member's pornography and become hooked themselves. Perhaps they are exposed at the home of a friend. The Internet is a common place in which children find pornography. For many children, their first exposure is accidental and it can lead to disastrous results.

Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation has worked with a number of children impacted by problematic sexual behavior with great success. We have individual therapists who can help children cope with the trauma of early exposure to sexually stimulating images. We can also provide resources for the entire family as they make these adjustments.

Children & Teens sexual behaviors and addiction

Children & Teens

Internet Usage

Parenting throughout the lifespan is challenging. There are no step-by-step manuals on raising children. At times it can be so overwhelming that parents feel out of options.

The impact of Internet pornography and a sexually saturated culture often leave parents feeling helpless. Out of the love and care that parents have for their children, they choose to contact outside help for their child to cope with some of life’s touchy problems. Trained child and adolescent specialist are available to help with these issues. Parents know the challenges of raising kids in our culture today. Parents know the feelings of desperation as children grow up and face challenges and transitions.

Play therapy and working with teens is a way to help navigate the often difficult transitions from childhood into adulthood.

Children & Teens internet usage and habits

Children & Teens

Pornography Habits

Below are some interesting facts about children/teens and pornography

  1. The average age of first exposure to pornography for children is age 8.
  2. Some pornographers have targeted children in their advertising.
  3. The number one way adults with problematic sexual behavior were first exposed to pornography was finding it in their home.
  4. As children use the Internet for homework and interacting with friends, they often experience accidental exposure to pornography, and can become hooked.
  5. The earlier this problem is treated, the more likely you are to prevent a lifetime of sexual acting out with pornography.

Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation has worked with children who were harmed by Internet pornography as young as age 5 (both boys and girls.) The impact on children is staggering.

The counseling services of Capstone Counseling and Coaching can help you heal the damage that may have been done to your child by early exposure, and can work with you on developing a healthy program of sex education for your children and family.

Children & Teens viewing pornography
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