What is an individual or couples intensive?
Intensive therapy sessions provide resources for individuals and couples who want to focus on an issue or relationship in a less-traditional setting. Sometimes there are needs that someone might not have local resources to address. Intensives provide a way to meet these needs. For example, we do many intensives with couples who are dealing with sexual addiction in their marriage.
It is a series of intensive therapy sessions in which the client comes to us for several hours a day. This will typically range from 2-7 consecutive days. There are times when an individual or couple needs more focused attention than traditional weekly therapy can provide. These sessions can help an individual “jump-start” the healing process, or help a couple provide a good foundation for growth and development. We are committed to building healthier marriages and families. With our team approach, a variety of issues can be addressed very effectively.
What are some of the issues that you do intensive work with?
Affairs/Sexual Addiction/Hyper-sexuality/Problematic Sexual Behavior
Contemplating Divorce
Communication & Intimacy Development/Conflict Resolution
Marital Issues that need to be addressed quickly
Parenting Road Blocks
Pre-engagement/Premarital Counseling
Stepfamily Issues
Trama Recovery
We specialize in customizing an intensive to meet your particular needs. Please call us for a consultation.
How do I schedule an intensive?
Use the contact form linked to the button below or contact the clinical director, Richard Blankenship at richard@capstoneatlanta.com