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Intensive Counseling

The following buttons have info about specific Intensives

What is an individual or couples intensive?

Intensive therapy sessions provide resources for individuals and couples who want to focus on an issue or relationship in a less-traditional setting. Sometimes there are needs that someone might not have local resources to address. Intensives provide a way to meet these needs. For example, we do many intensives with couples who are dealing with sexual addiction in their marriage.

It is a series of intensive therapy sessions in which the client comes to us for several hours a day. This will typically range from 2-7 consecutive days. There are times when an individual or couple needs more focused attention than traditional weekly therapy can provide. These sessions can help an individual “jump-start” the healing process, or help a couple provide a good foundation for growth and development. We are committed to building healthier marriages and families. With our team approach, a variety of issues can be addressed very effectively.

What are some of the issues that you do intensive work with?

Affairs/Sexual Addiction/Hyper-sexuality/Problematic Sexual Behavior
Contemplating Divorce
Communication & Intimacy Development/Conflict Resolution
Marital Issues that need to be addressed quickly
Parenting Road Blocks
Pre-engagement/Premarital Counseling
Stepfamily Issues
Trama Recovery
We specialize in customizing an intensive to meet your particular needs. Please call us for a  consultation.

How do I schedule an intensive?

Use the contact form linked to the button below or contact the clinical director, Richard Blankenship at richard@capstoneatlanta.com
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