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Books by Our Staff

Spouses of Sex Addicts: Hope for the Journey

by Richard Blankenship

Spouses of Sex Addicts: Hope for the Journey Workbook

by Francoise Mastroianni & Richard Blankenship
A life recovery guide for young men is a book about recovery for young men.

L.I.F.E. Guide for Young Men

by Richard Blankenship

A life recovery guide for couples shows a man and woman walking down a path in the woods.

L.I.F.E. Guide for Couples

by Richard Blankenship & Jackie Coleman
A family journey through the reality of addiction into the light of recovery hope and transformation

A Journey Through Secrets

by Richard Blankenship

One family’s journey through alcoholism

A notebook with a pencil on it that says a lifetime in a few years

A Lifetime in a Few Years

by Emily L. Blankenship

Navigating difficult years of growing up through storms of bullying, thoughts of self-harm, self image, and more.

A book cover for goodnight memories by emily l blankenship

Goodnight Memories

by Emily L. Blankenship

Regardless of how a memory made us feel, some exist in a place where they must be told goodnight and put to sleep—not forgotten, but simply placed in a different consciousness. Within this book, there exists the memories of a young woman in the form of poems.

The cover of the book return to innocence by mark richardson

Return to Innocence: Cultivating Passion for Purity

by Dr. Mark Richardson

A book titled 52 days on the wall by dr. mark richardson

52 Days on the Wall: A Believer’s Guide to Sexual Purity

by Dr. Mark Richardson

The story of the rebuilding of the wall applied to the journey of recovery & transformation

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