Additional Info
Can I have a problematic sexual behavior and not be an addict?
Yes. There are some people who do find the addiction model helpful. Even more find the PSB model helpful. Sex and porn addiction are one subset of problematic sexual behavior. Groups at Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation strive to build sexual integrity in individuals and families. Don't let the label stop you from dealing with your problematic sexual behavior. If you have tried to stop behaviors, and can’t stay stopped, then it is getting unmanageable and many benefit from professional treatment. Sexual integrity issues exist at different levels. The program at Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation has been proven successful with a wide variety of sexual integrity issues. If the problem is unmanageable and affecting your life, then Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation will have resources that can help.
Dimensions of Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB)
Problematic sexual behavior is a multi-dimensional problem. It involves addressing behavior, spirituality, relationships, emotional wounds (including neglect and abandonment), and the physical impact on the body and brain. For complete recovery to take place, all five of these dimensions must be addressed. PSB is an intimacy disorder. Intimacy disorders don’t heal in isolation. That’s why groups are a critical part of the recovery process. It’s common to feel frightened about coming to a group. Fears quickly subside as you realize that you aren’t alone. Many have started group believing they would be shamed or rejected, yet find the opposite to be true. These therapy groups are a place of acceptance and healing. When you come to a group for sexual integrity issues you will find a place of support, guidance, and hope.
Problematic sexual behavior has a behavioral dimension. The behaviors need to change in order to get well. There is a spiritual dimension. Spirituality and faith are a part of the healing process. The relational dimension presents one of the biggest challenges for the couple in recovery. The impact on the partner and children is serious. Relational skills are taught and applied to the stages of recovery. The emotional dimension involves healing the wounds of PSB and the impact on the family. A critical focus at Capstone Intimacy & Healthy Sexuality is to learn what you are medicating with the behavior and to find legitimate solutions to these needs. Pornography and sexual acting out present an illusion, or false solutions. The physical dimension and the impact of PSB and trauma on the brain and body are a part of the program. Failure to address all of these dimensions effectively results in partial or temporary recovery. When all dimension are addressed, the process of recovery and transformation is powerful. Capstone Intimacy & Healthy Sexuality addresses each dimension of sexual addiction through a variety of methods.
Some of the options available are listed below. All are available for both people with PSB and spouses/partners.
Treatment Options
- Group Therapy
- Individual Therapy
- Marital Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Pastoral Counseling
- Recovery Coaching
- Trauma Treatment
- Intensive Retreats for Couples
- Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Trauma Treatment
- Groups and Seminars on Issues such as Sexual Abuse, Boundaries, etc…
- And many, many, more…
For Partners - What will NOT
happen when you come to us
Our director, Richard Blankenship, is one of the developers of the trauma-based approach to treating betrayed partners. For 17 years, Richard has said that partners are the reason Capstone was founded. He wanted a balanced approach where the partner and children would be valued as much as the individual with PSB. Richard is one of the developers of the most comprehensive partner/relational trauma credential to ever be offered in our industry through the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH.) Partners and families are an area Capstone is passionate about. Richard is one of the founding board members of APSATS.
When you come to Capstone, you will not be blamed for the "addict’s" choices. You will not be asked or expected to fix the individual with PSB in your life. You will not be labeled a co-addict. You will not be labeled as a codependent. These are stereotypes that don’t help you heal, and they may not even apply. In the rare cases where there are codependent traits or behaviors, they can be addressed, but you will not be given an identity label of “codependent.”
You WILL be treated as an individual who has been traumatized by the experience of betrayal. According to the best available research, almost 70% of spouses/partners develop all but one of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) upon discovery of problematic sexual behavior in their relationship. There is a grieving process that begins the journey. Grief and trauma must be dealt with and processed for healing to take place. You will be given tools to help you discover what you can do for a brighter future for yourself regardless of what the addict chooses. The spouses/partners group is about you and for you, and we structure it to meet your needs. Ideally, we hope the person with PSB in your life chooses to get well. Many couples choose to take this journey together. Your healing will not be dependent on someone else's choices. You can heal and Capstone wants to walk with you in this journey.
Since 2002, we have had over 1200 people come through the Capstone Intimacy & Healthy Sexuality program (and many more through the intensive workshops offered around the U.S.) When people choose to do the courageous work of recovery, they typically succeed. There is hope, and many have gone before you in developing successful recovery as individuals, couples, and families.
The Recovery and Healing Process
There are different ways people begin the journey at Capstone Intimacy & Healthy Sexuality. Some begin with individual and/or couples counseling while others begin in the therapy groups. There is no “silver bullet” to fire at this problem that will make it go away. It is a multi-dimensional problem that will require multi-dimensional solutions. A variety of treatment methods will be used during your journey. Individual, marital, and family therapy are provided at our locations in Dunwoody, Stone Mountain, Cumming, and Marietta. Pastoral counseling, recovery coaching, intensives, EMDR, brainspotting, mindfulness, and other forms of trauma treatment are available. Intensive workshops and retreats are provided through Capstone Sexual Recovery & Transformation. Groups for partners and people with PSB are held at our Dunwoody location and online.