Studies indicate that nearly 70% of partners will develop symptoms of PTSD after discovering a betrayal. In addition to post-traumatic symptoms, you'll likely experience a devastating sense of loss. As a result, the grief you're experiencing can be overwhelming. In fact, you may not know how to begin to move beyond your betrayal trauma.
Betrayal trauma can occur after your spouse betrays your trust or violates your sense of security and safety. There are many circumstances that may lead to this very disruptive experience. Examples of betrayal trauma include discovering a porn or sex addiction, infidelity, or a financial betrayal. In an instant, you may feel like life has flipped upside-down.
In this article, we'll talk about betrayal trauma. We'll discuss 5 ways to help you begin to heal and move forward.
There are many symptoms of betrayal trauma. Like many, you may develop and experience depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. Likewise, you may be overwhelmed with anger, fear, and grief. It's not uncommon to experience physical symptoms as well. For example, you might develop sleeplessness, irritability, headaches, nausea, and loss of appetite.
It's also common to have mood swings as your thoughts shift from one moment to another. Likewise, you may have difficulty focusing or making decisions. You may feel like you have outbursts of anger and wonder why. Furthermore, you may begin pulling away from others, leading to isolation and loneliness. Betrayal trauma can dysregulate your emotions and impact your physical and mental well being.
The hope in all of this is, although you're suffering now, you don't have to suffer forever. You deserve to heal, regardless of whether your partner takes ownership and changes.
The variety of symptoms you're experiencing are normal reactions of betrayal trauma. Over time, symptoms are not likely to fade away. On the contrary, without support, you may push your emotions down, causing further emotional and physical issues.
Let's talk about 5 things you can do that may help you begin to move forward with your betrayal trauma.
If you are ready to seek treatment for betrayal trauma, you'll want to find a therapist who specializes in helping you heal.
At Capstone Counseling and Coaching, we aim to create an environment of safety and trust to help you through your journey of healing. We would love to talk to you more about your betrayal trauma experience. Visit our website or call us today.
Betrayal trauma can occur after your spouse betrays your trust or violates your sense of security and safety. There are many circumstances that may lead to betrayal trauma. Examples of betrayal trauma include discovering a porn or sex addiction, infidelity, or a financial betrayal. In an instant, you may feel like life has flipped upside-down. Learn more
It's also common to have mood swings as your thoughts shift from one moment to another. Likewise, you may have difficulty focusing or making decisions. You may feel like you have outbursts of anger and wonder why. Furthermore, you may begin pulling away from others, leading to isolation and loneliness. Betrayal trauma can dysregulate your emotions and impact your physical and mental well being. Learn more
At Capstone Counseling and Coaching, we aim to create an environment of safety and trust to help you through your journey of healing. We would love to talk to you more about your betrayal trauma experience. Visit our website or call us today.